What a Blog you say? Really you shouldn't have, no I am serious, you shouldn't.
I love that I have a place for a blog description. I am not creative enough to blog, hence never blogging before. I absolutely stink at well thought out reviews, but I read. I read A LOT. It used to be more, I could average 800+ books a year. But then the EDJ started asking me to put forth more effort for pay. Bastards.
Written in the Stars
Most important here though is my rating scale. I put forth a lot of 3 stars. I would prefer a scale of 7 points measurement, hence my 3s are more like 3, 4, and 5 respectively. In fact, most books that fall within the 3, I would like to take out to the 3rd, if not 4th decimal. With that said, here is the basic summary of scale.
5- Beyond brilliant, would read again without question
4- Better than your average bear. Would not hesitate to recommend
3- Do not be fooled. These are books I liked but the fall into the category of:
Cotton Candy for the brain
Great story, needs editing
Great characters, needs editing
Hit the right spot, needs editing
Could not quite get me there. The story was just short of a home run.
Short stories. While I do love a good Novella/short story, etc, it has to be AMAZING
to the Nth degree to knock it up to a 4.
2- Story, characters, and/or editing were not enough to pull it out. My head popped up
and out of the story too often
1- Are you kidding me with this shit?
What I read
As the title professes, just about anything. I prefer stories that take me out of real life. I get enough of that at home. Thus, I tend to stay away from self help or theory based books. I am a very character driven reader. I like a good plot just like any reader, but for me, a story really wins if I can fall into the stories and feel the characters.
Enough out of me for now!
The audio of this book is so well done - read by Will Wheaton!! He does a great job and sucks you in. With that said, this book is amazing and detailed - you really will be in this quest with Wade and crew. With that said, only read this story (or listen) if:
- You are a HUGE and I mean HUGE fan of the 80s. Every sentence has an 80s reference in it. Which is AWESOME for me;)
- You like hearing and learning detailed information about video games - past, present and future. This story is an adventure for the world to find the 'egg' of a billionaire. When a person finds the egg, they will get all of said billionaire's money, etc.
- You like YA
- You like quests
Well done, very detailed, and all threads are tied together so well!