Msmiz - I read almost anything!

What a Blog you say? Really you shouldn't have, no I am serious, you shouldn't.


I love that I have a place for a blog description.  I am not creative enough to blog, hence never blogging before.  I absolutely stink at well thought out reviews, but I read. I read A LOT.  It used to be more, I could average 800+ books a year.  But then the EDJ started asking me to put forth more effort for pay.  Bastards.  


Written in the Stars


Most important here though is my rating scale.  I put forth a lot of 3 stars.  I would prefer a scale of 7 points measurement, hence my 3s are more like 3, 4, and 5 respectively.  In fact, most books that fall within the 3, I would like to take out to the 3rd, if not 4th decimal.  With that said, here is the basic summary of scale. 


5- Beyond brilliant, would read again without question

4- Better than your average bear.  Would not hesitate to recommend

3- Do not be fooled.  These are books I liked but the fall into the category of:

     Cotton Candy for the brain

     Great story, needs editing 

     Great characters, needs editing

     Hit the right spot, needs editing

     Could not quite get me there.  The story was just short of a home run.

     Short stories.  While I do love a good Novella/short story, etc, it has to be AMAZING          

     to the Nth degree to knock it up to a 4.

2- Story, characters, and/or editing were not enough to pull it out.  My head popped up              

    and out of the story too often

1- Are you kidding me with this shit?  


What I read

As the title professes, just about anything.  I prefer stories that take me out of real life.  I get enough of that at home. Thus, I tend to stay away from self help or theory based books.  I am a very character driven reader.  I like a good plot just like any reader, but for me, a story really wins if I can fall into the stories and feel the characters.  


Enough out of me for now!  



My Book Challenge for 2015
My Book Challenge for 2015

Going to try this!!

Reblogged from Jenn
Welcome 2015
Welcome 2015

Happy New Year to those who are in 2015 as well as those that are waiting for the New Year to come. All the best now and always!

Reblogged from Claire-Louise Book Addict

I can't say that I didn't see it coming.

Teahouse - Emirain

Sob... Sniffle... Teahouse is dead.   


Teahouse was always beautiful.  Lots of characters and setup, there was so much potential.   Unfortunately, we will never get to see how this came to be:

The authors will publish some written storylines over the next month, so fanart people, get ready.


Reblogged from KatieMc

Audio book rocked: read by Will Wheaton

Ready Player One - Ernest Cline

The audio of this book is so well done - read by Will Wheaton!! He does a great job and sucks you in. With that said, this book is amazing and detailed - you really will be in this quest with Wade and crew. With that said, only read this story (or listen) if:


- You are a HUGE and I mean HUGE fan of the 80s. Every sentence has an 80s reference      in it. Which is AWESOME for me;)
- You like hearing and learning detailed information about video games - past, present and future. This story is an adventure for the world to find the 'egg' of a billionaire. When a person finds the egg, they will get all of said billionaire's money, etc.
- You like YA
- You like quests



Well done, very detailed, and all threads are tied together so well!

winner winner chicken dinner

Captive Prince: Volume One (Volume 1) - S. U. Pacat

Captive Prince goes all the way to a DABWAHA victory!   Can't wait to collect those bribes.

Reblogged from KatieMc

Captive Prince Won!

We won!!! We won!!! We won!!! We won!!! We won!!! We won!!!


Reblogged from Mammarella

Go vote Captive Prince!!!!!!

JR's latest WTF'ery...........

The King (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #12) - J.R. Ward

Mayhap this was the worst book in the series- well no - the desecration of Qhuinn and Blay's story sucked really bad. Ah shit, no Tohr's book was bad....god, have they all recently gotten bad and we are just glutton's for this stuff? Verily JR Ward has gotten ridiculous with the slang, hip hop references, and the uneven old world language. With alacrity this may be the last book I read in the series. Mayhap...not sure.....Okay I lied - I would read Lassiter, Murhder, I'am, I may even be happy about Xcor's redemption...but we shall see. This was not the King's book - it is a running story of Trez, Xcor, Assail - all major asshats - a back story with The King's parents AND finally, a novella of the King thrown in.

JR Ward has forgotten:

1. The Brotherhood - where were they the majority of the story?
2. Editing - for god's sake woman, GET A FUCKING EDITOR! And if you have one, get a new one.
3. Loose threads - Honestly? The holes in this world are worse than the earth had with the Ozone. The rules have been stomped on so bad, it is hardly recognizable.

What worked - man oh man - Wrath and Beth. JR Ward did the King a disservice by including all that other bullshit in his story. It really took away from the real story. Wrath finding himself as King among the vampires, his brotherhood, and within his relationship with Beth. I will not spoil it, but lets just say, Wrath does not let us down not one second in this book. He will always be the one for me!!! This got 3 stars only because of my true love for Wrath.



The book was long, oh so long, yet the ending will feel like JR sucked on some Nitro and took off at 300 mph. What the hell, you give up at the end there JR?

AudioBooks...need some recs!!!

My work is taking me to Kalamazoo Michigan...which is about a 3 hour drive for me.  I have a rule that if the distance can be driven in 4 hours or less, I don't fly.  So for maybe up to six months, I will be driving (boo this is going to be a hit to my airline status (snobby traveler that I am;)), so when I do this, I like to bank a lot of audiobooks.  So this is the criteria:


1.  Usually I can get from the library, but this is not a must

2.  Voice cannot put me to sleep. 



Okay well, that is not too much in the criteria department.  I tend to like audiobooks that I would not necessarily pick up the book.  Humor is always welcome (for example I love listening to David Sedaris'read his own books)


Alright folks - go!!!!

Normally I'd be like 'who the fuck gives a shit?'

But it is Captive Prince (yay!) vs Touch & Geaux (blergh!). And Freece will post a book 3 snippet if she wins.....


So vote here:

Reblogged from Les Aventures De Léna Léna

Is anyone else feeling this way?

I think I have reached my limit. I am tired of the hypocritical thin skinned authors and their hysterics. I am tired of their ridiculous and uninformed kiss ass supporters. I am tired of reading shitty books. I am tired of it all and I don't see any of this going away any time soon. New authors and ancient authors alike refuse to accept that their writing is a PRODUCT the moment they charge me for it. It's not an effing baby.  And it might even be ugly as hell and not at all ready for public consumption. I'm not here to coddle and promote. I'm not here to worry about an authors debt, their sick family or their tender feelings. We all have shit to deal with but most of us have to deal with careers that dole out criticism when we do what they perceive as a crappy job and we take it because that's how the world works. I want to go back to the days when we could share our thoughts about books with each other any way we damn well pleased But now that can only happen face to face. Thank the gods for my local reading group. 


i just wasted too much time reading the Amazon Authors Who Do Not Want Anonymous Reviews thread and I am still in disbelief over some of the things I read there. I then did something I've never been infuriated enough to do. I deleted three five star reviews for books by Sharon Sala who seems to forget that she's written under an alias. One of those books, Annie and the Outlaw, only had three reviews which included mine. This made me sad and angry.  I loved those effing books and recommended them to friends often but those days are done. I can no longer separate the person from the work. I can no longer be a part of this petty bullshit. I can no longer support an author who thinks so little of her readers that she'd expose them to potential danger by forcing them to review using their real name in some misguided attempt to further her career and to keep herself safe from "threats and bullies".  If you can make  sense out of this line of reasoning please let me know because I can't seem to wrap my head around it.


They may think they're winning but if most of us stop sharing our thoughts, our 1 star as well as our five star reviews, who the hell will be left to review besides their family and their sycophants? And none of us are dumb enough to fall for that shit more than once.  Who will get the word out about their books? Honestly at this point i don't even care. I feel really lame for wasting so much energy on this reviewing hobby and might just start focusing my energy on something else. Another hobby that won't shit all over me. I realize some authors are cool, Ed Lorn you get it and there are many others,  but it seems as if every time I open my email another author is spewing their crazy ass shit all over the internet. Right now It all seems like such a complete waste of my time. 


Reblogged from Bark at the Ghouls

The 9 Agonizing Stages Of Waiting For The Next Book In A Series To Come Out

All of it true!

Love it!


reblogged from:

Reblogged from Susana "Lost in Fantasy Land"
That Moment.
That Moment.
Reblogged from Parajunkee

Reading progress update: I've read 71.

Cordelia's Honor - Lois McMaster Bujold

I forgot...even though I know how this ends......I am on the edge of my seat!!!  

Currently reading

Terry Pratchett
A Dangerous Fortune
Ken Follett
Wicked Gentlemen (Hells Below)
Ginn Hale
Beloved Son
Carole Cummings
Carole Cummings
The Round House
Louise Erdrich
The Cat in the Cradle
Jay Bell
Chasing Magic (Downside Ghosts, #5)
Stacia Kane
Reach for the Moon (Alejo and Bobby, #2)
Val Kovalin